the vietnamese villa
Cross the gorge on a rustic bamboo suspension bridge and you enter a wholly different architectural world. The lacquer-red Vietnamese pavilion, sheltered by a grove of palms and bamboo, is a compact statement of the luxurious style of imperial Tonkin, fretted everywhere
with Chippendale chinoiserie railings. On the lower level is the fairytale bedroom, which showcases a superb antique opium bed, a private sanctuary within a haven in this retreat from the busy civilized world, beneath an ornately carved and gilded ceiling. A small kitchen adjoins, where the chef can cook breakfast for express service on the terrace – or in bed. The bathroom is Made Wijaya at his best, with a sea-blue mosaic floor scalloped with stylized waves.
A wooden spiral staircase leads upstairs to the long, formal drawing room. Its four walls are completely given over to louvered shutters that can open the room to forest views and cool breezes. With a billiards table and an intimate seating area, this room is a fun place for guests to gather.